Eiropas privāto meža īpašnieku konfederācijā (CEPF), kur aktīvi darbojas arī LMIB 25.01.2022., plkst. 13:30-15:00 (CET laiks), piedalīsies interaktīvā online apaļā galda diskusijā par to, kā ES atbalsta augstvērtīgus mežus un mežsaimniecību.
Pasākums norisināsies angļu valodā.
Reģistrācija pasākumam: Webinar Registration | Alsharq Digital (alsharq-digital.de)
Invitation to an Interactive online roundtable on Zoom
How can the EU support high quality forests and forestry?
25 January 13:30-15:00 CET (Brussels time)
The role of the forestry sector in fighting climate change, biodiversity loss and dropping employment are at the heart of European Green Deal discussions. In reviewing climate legislation it’s important to think about ways to promote transformative visions for the sector. Are there alternatives to intensive forestry that turn a profit while improving biodiversity? What do they look like? How can EU policy support such activities?