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Eiropas Savienības Jaunā Meža stratēģija 2030 - paneļdiskusija Eiropas Parlamentā(ENG)

Eiropas Savienības Jaunā Meža stratēģija 2030 - paneļdiskusija Eiropas Parlamentā(ENG)

Norises datums
Politika un normatīvais regulējums

Paneļdiskusija par Eiropas Savienības jauno Meža Stratēģiju 2030, ko organizē Eiropas Parlamenta Lauksaimniecības un lauku attīstības un Vides, sabiedrības veselības un pārtikas nekaitīguma komitejas notiks 28. februārī plkst. 17:00 (16:00 pēc CET).

Pasākums notiks angļu valodā.

Pasākumam varēs pieslēgties tiešsaistē: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/agri/meetings/webstreaming

Pasākuma apraksts (ENG)

How to reconcile economic potentials of forestry beyond wood with reaching biodiversity and climate targets

The hearing will be structured into two panels; the first panel will focus on "Unlocking the full potential of the forests" in order to show the broad interaction between forest management and environmental protection. The second panel will address "Climate smart forestry: creating opportunities in the realisation of biodiversity and climate targets". Climate smart forestry refers to a holistic approach to forest management and the associated value chain that maximises climatic and economic benefits while respecting social and environmental safeguards. One way to reward climate smart forestry are payments for forest ecosystem services.

This Hearing will give the opportunity to Members of AGRI and ENVI Committee to discuss with experts from science, practice and civil society the latest developments in the field of forest management as well as provide insights into already existing opportunities.


Vairāk par pasākumu: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/a-new-eu-forest-strategy-for-2030/product-details/20220215CHE09941